It takes a sort of Olympian attitude to commit to the journey. To write the book that runs through your veins only and, hence, no one but you can see it. Until everyone can see it. Basically, anyone can do it. I wish you the best of luck, and luck, you see, is similar to magic, you have to believe in it to just do it, live the life of your dreams, what did you think? Write the book? That’s a story within the story and you can, definitely, do it. Live your life to the fullest. Writing the book, then, comes naturally, it might imply a lot of surrender that is, constantly, merging with discipline, lethal combo (an orgasm in French is la petite mort, the little death, isn’t that something?), but when passion comes in, there you go, nothing can stop it, not even… Hmm, what’s the word I’m looking for? Not even the deadliest poison of them all. Romeo and Juliet are here to stay. Love is here to stay, essentially. Thcin-tchin!
Don’t worry about the gun Romeo has. It turns into a song, later on. What Romeo also has, now, is a superpower. Love, yes, and that extra something that nudges him to move forward. Passion, yes, yes! That extra something makes him not want to drink the poison when Juliet’s, simply, asleep, he sees it all, Juliet wakes up and kisses Romeo. Juliet wants to have fun at the Paris Olympics with Romeo. They’d been strategising in their dreams, both Romeo and Juliet, ooooh, the work all the Batmen and Catwomen have been doing, over the years, is paying off, ka-ching, tchin-tchin, same, not bad, Romeo and Juliet, not bad.
Didn’t the opening of the Paris Olympics feel like a dream you forgot about that, boom, one day, just came true and blew your mind? The art. The game. Everything. Now. An athlete is a beautiful synonym for a human being having a spiritual experience in this world. The choice to be an Olympian is yours. Choosing to be an Olympian implies choosing today to be better than yesterday, it implies fun, too, for sure, what do you think the torch is here for? It’s the wand one can see the vision with in the dark. Professor Dumbledore himself says happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. Luckily, magically, you do the math, the fire is always burning and burning and burning and burning and burning inside of you, it’s why you’re so brilliant, can you see the glow, it’s why you’re so hot, ooooh la la la la la la lalala la laaah sweet thing, you just are, what to do. And remember, Dumbledore’s got style.
Being in the present moment is a sexy thing. Just like creating a playlist is. It requires constant attention. To music. The power of sound is real. Just like the power of nurture is, but it is the kind of nurture that can’t be forced, for sure. If it’s not natural, you’ll feel it next time a song you added to the playlist – who knows when or where – pops up and something just doesn’t feel right. It rarely happens with your music, though, but when it does, it’s ok, it’s the game you’re playing with your intuition. You two make the best team. Nurture and nature don’t just, randomly, sound similar. Listening to all the music ever, in one night, and creating the playlist is… I almost said impossible, but the word itself says impossible, luckily, magically, you do the math. Oui, oui, cliché, but, funnily enough, every time I catch myself almost saying that something is impossible, I decide on not saying it. How to say, wholeheartedly, Impossible!? You can’t! You can, but you can decide not to. And, so, expand your horizon and who knows whose, too. It’s merely a word, you might say and it is, but so is every word until you see its potency. Abracadabra – just as powerful as no. Or hi. Or bye. It’s a spell. Potency is not that far away from potion, either. Stopping yourself or who knows who from something that could, otherwise, potentially, be otherworldly precisely because something seemed impossible to the rest of the world, but – boom – you or who knows who make or makes it possible sounds like magic to me.
I thought it was impossible but you made it possible sounds, in my head, like crazy. On a recent flight, I listened to the song on repeat, while writing on my phone from the front row of the plane. Actually, I listened to six songs that, thank goodness, somehow, I’d been guided to download on my phone. I thought Apple Music saves your downloads forever and that, therefore, I was covered, downloading music for the time spent in the air didn’t even cross my mind, but something beyond thought made me do it, regardless. No logic involved, I just hit download, on the night before the flight. I’m so happy it’s songs I really like that we’re talking about, otherwise no music would’ve been on the flight and that would’ve been sad. Can you sense the rhyming, too? It comes naturally.
Naturally, by Slow Train Soul, just won’t leave my mind and I am loving it. Naturally. Of course. I could just start writing in the form of a poem instead of stating the surprise of a rhyme, every time. I guess I’m enjoying the surprise, every time. Still. Of course I do. Whooh, said I. You with me? Of course you are. You’re here, you’re present and what’s more beautiful than that? I know you’re thinking about what could be more beautiful than that. So am I. Present is love. Present is passion. Present is goodness. Divine.
The past and the future is a joke to me now. I see that they’re nothing. I see they ain’t here. The only thing that’s here is you and me. Moonstruck, awestruck, what to do.
On a drive, also recently, but you know how some things just are timeless, I was searching for songs on my brother’s phone, in my brother’s car, while he was driving, and you know what it is like when you’re searching for songs on someone else’s phone, even when you have all the internet in the world, but what you also have, this time around, is kids in the backseat. Fabulous is what I mean. Music just keeps on playing and so do we. Upon our arrival home, just before getting out of the car, he asked me, without waiting for an answer, we listened to this last song a couple of times in a row, right? I did reply, however. Yes! Imagine the look, imagine the nod, imagine the face expression. His. I love it when it happens. Naturally. This naturally is intentional, in case you were wondering. Oh, the song we listened to “a couple of times in a row” was II MOST WANTED. I know.
So, listening to all the music in the world, in one night, and creating the playlist is a possibility, who knows what superpower you’ve got, but, usually, creating a playlist requires many things, all at once, we’re here to experience everything anyway, so that’s funx3. And so, usually, creating a playlist requires time. In a parallel universe, it might already be done, but it’s in this one that nature takes its time, no matter what. Every day is just as important. Hm. Special. It’s why music is the soundtrack of our lives, after all. It’s why some choose to be Olympians. Because playing it safe’s just about the most dangerous thing a woman like you could do, ooh, wink, ka-tching, thcin-tchin, same.
Patronus Charm – close to shots of Patron, close to shotgun rider, worlds apart from Bombarda Charm. We all get a wand at birth, the power of free will is just as real, the wand chooses the wizard, and so on, mental. Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual, said Ernest Hemingway. Of the impossible that is unique, in fact, that’s why it seems impossible to everyone, but not to you.
Ooooh la la la It’s the way that we rock when we’re doing our thang Ooooh la la la It’s the natural LA that the refugees bring Ooooh la la la la la la lalala la laaah Sweet thing.
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